Space Coast Georgia Tech Club

A Georgia Tech Alumni Association Club

Upcoming Events

Sports Schedules

Club Game Viewings

We are currently using Beef O'Brady's on the Northwest corner of Lake Washington and Wickham roads in Melbourne.  Joe and Tim have been nice enough to let us use their party room which features a 54" HD Plasma and several other TV's to watch other games of interest to the Jackets. The room can accommodate ~40 people. Click here to see where it is and get directions.

We are also making use of Duffy's Sports Grill on Evans Rd. in Melbourne across the street from the mall. We also usually have a reserved room here as well. We can also view games on ESPN3 here.

If anyone knows of other good places for watching, i.e. has food, adult beverages, lots of TV's preferably large TV's and HDTV's, and subscribes to Satellite channels and ESPNU, please let us know here so we can let others know.

We are sending emails out once a week to inform the Alumni of the game times and locations. If you are not getting the emails contact us here to subscribe.


Check the game schedule above and let us know if you are coming to join us in another Jacket victory!
